All developed resources and materials will be made available for interested producers, industry members, academic and research institutions, and policy makers. Check out our progress as we continue to collect and gather data across the Southern Great Plains and optimize regenerative agricultural practices in semi-arid environments!
Analysis of Hydrologic Intensification and Model-based Assessment of Field-Scale Effects of Regenerative Agricultural Practices
Check out some material from our first annual meeting!
September 20th, 2022
The first annual RegenAg meeting was kicked-off by Dr. Jaroy Moore, Station Director at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center in Lubbock, TX. All lead and co-investigators gathered to discuss and report progress on the RegenAg project for the 2021-2022 year. They are joined by both the RegenAg Advisory Committee and the Project Evaluation team from Kansas State University’s Office of Educational Innovation and Evaluation (OEIE).
The RegenAg Project Evaluation Team presented data gathered over the initial year of the project. An exponential increase in data collection and analysis will continue in following years as we initiate the field research component of the RegenAg project. Severe drought and extreme weather events have slowed, but not halted, data collection as we continue to strive to help producers be successful and sustainable in these harsh environmental conditions.
The Project Evaluation team surveyed our investigators in year one to evaluate collaboration efforts and communication across the RegenAg team. The RegenAg project has sparked a total of 77 new and unique collaborations across investigators, many within different institutions! These collaborations and communication pathways will be essential in later years of the project, as each objective and goal build off of the research objectives being initiated in year one.